Rock Climbings Biggest Day
The 4th August 2016 will go down as one of the biggest days in the history of climbing. The International Olympic Committee has just confirmed that Sport Climbing will be included in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.
This decision will help accelerate the rise of climbing into the general populations consciousness. Along with a host of extremely talented and marketable athletes around the world and a younger generation in general that is searching for something fresh and exciting in the sporting landscape, climbing is on the edge of becoming mainstream.

Shauna Coxsey – Professional Climber
I was interviewed by the Hunter Sports Magazine last week and the article out of the interview gives a good overview of the format of Sport Climbing in the Olympics.
Being confirmed as an Olympic sport is a coming of age for climbing and if the Hunters local climbers, with motivation and talent like Ben Abel (see his first blog here), Annabelle Cleary, Keita Besuijem, Xanthea Vazey and Charlie Heath are anything to go by the sport has a very exciting and bright future!

Pulse Climbing Sponsored Athlete Ben Abel representing Australia
Climbing is a fun and social sport for everyone and Pulse Climbing and all of our fantastic staff love nothing better than to introduce new people to the sport. Watching that passion develop in someone is a special thing to see as they progress on their climbing journey, whether they be in it for fun and exercise or to compete at the highest level.
Scott Forrester – Pulse Climbing Managing Director