The juggling act.
I’ll start this off by saying you will find no answers here. I have no mythical solution for your woes which keep you on your toes when juggling multiple necessities.
As many of you know I have a little girl who is 17 months old. She’s my angel and an amazing specimen of a human, however the overwhelming need (in my mind) to stay strong and continue to climb at my best couldn’t last (though I’ve been known for this oblong cycle in the past).
I’ve had many conversations with staff at the gym about writing articles as I become quite stumped at times. Jas mentioned for me to write about kids and climbing and the ‘juggling act’ which consequently follows. I said to him how can I write about something I have no idea about? nonetheless here I am attempting to do so.
I’ve had many people say to me lately ‘haven’t seen you around much, where have you been?’. For the past 6 to 8 months I haven’t climbed much, though there has been an array of reasons why. Firstly, I’ve had elbow tendinitis on my right arm both medially and laterally (inside and outside of elbow). For anyone who has experienced this pain you’ll know it hurts to do everything and is very difficult to get rid of. I remember having it when I moved to Newy where it was that bad I couldn’t do a chin up. Now this doesn’t hold me back too much though is extremely painful.
Secondly, the age my daughter is, she requires supervision as well as entertainment. My daughter has been to many climbing crags including Spurt wall in the Grampians, however now she’s mobile. She’s a curious little thing who is independent and doesn’t just follow others around. This is fantastic and whilst I encourage individualism, this means you never quite know what she’s getting up to. When she’s a little older she’ll know where she can go and where she should stay away from. Maybe then outdoors will become a little easier.
Thirdly, the surfs been great. There is more to this. I love surfing and at the moment it’s easier to get a wave in the morning before work as the afternoon is a rush once work finishes. I’ve got family near some of the best surf spots in Australia, so I guess with this I also have a nearby baby sitter.
Throughout my whole life I’ve been a very goal driven person where one goal was replaced with another once it was compete. I guess I can link this to the success I’ve had over my climbing career, however at the moment it’s difficult to have these specific goals because quite simply I don’t have the time to invest in the needed travel to complete them. It’s not the training which needs to be done to be at the level I want, it’s more the required time in travel and days away which has a negative impact on my progression. Now I don’t want to get all negative here. I’m extremely happy with everything, though there is a definite systematic juggle.
In no way do I want climbing to permanently leave my life. I believe climbing has far more benefits than ‘just the climbing’ all of which I’d love to pass onto my little one. However, I do recognise that there is more than climbing and that too needs to be passed onto my daughter. Climbing has taken to me to some great places though it has also stopped me from doing some things as well. I guess there is a fine line to be physically at the level you want to be at without it taking over and you missing out on further opportunities. I am training again and working through my injuries. I have no doubt that more ticks and success will come within the sport, though it is definitely a time for training smarter not longer.
Hope to see you at the gym, maybe even a crag……………………..
Pete Tosen.