Crag Care Day a Success
This post is by Melina Beecroft.
Hunter/Central Coast Crag Care had its first Crag Care Day on Sunday September 8th at Monkey Face, Watagans National Park. There was amazing support from the local climbing community. About twenty enthusiastic, hard-working climbers turned up on the day to help out. These included members from Newcastle University Mountaineering Club, staff and members of Pulse Climbing, and other local climbers.
The morning started with motivating briefings from the Watagans National Park Local Ranger Jeff Johnson and NPWS Bush Regeneration and Volunteer Coordinator Nicola Booth. The main target of the morning was to remove Lantana from the area between the Lower Crag Access Trail and Gap Creek Falls Camping Area. Lantana is regarded as one of the debilitating weeds in Australia because of its invasiveness, potential for spread and environmental impact.
The group put in a huge effort and we got great results. We covered an area of about 2 hectares.
Acknowledgement must be given to Pulse Climbing for the wonderful morning tea sponsored by them. Dan Wilde organised a beautiful range of fruits, nut bars and muffins. They were thoroughly enjoyed by all.
It was a fantastic way to get together, to meet some new people and to have the opportunity to give back by helping to restore and maintain the ecosystem of one of our favourite rock climbing sites.