Tour de Corde 2017 – Round 1 – Villawood
Last weekend the Pulse team headed down to a swelteringly sweaty session for the first round of the Sport Climbing Australia regional top rope competition Tour de Corde held at Sydney Indoor Climbing Gym, Villawood.
We are very proud of our young team members who managed a place on the podium in every division they entered, even though it was the first competition for a lot of them they handled themselves and the much higher walls at Villawood like seasoned veterans.
With the younger kids thoroughly tuckered out, it was time for the open age members of Team Pulse to test their mettle in the trying temperatures.
Everyone did incredibly well with the majority of our team being bumped up into Open A division and first time, competitor Rachel Vazey placing 2nd in her division.
We’ll be hosting the next round of Tour de Corde at Pulse on Saturday the 18th of February. Come along and give it a go and support the team!