Merewether High seniors win Term 3 Inter-School Competition
Congratulations to the winners of our Pulse Climbing Inter-School Competition for term 3! The year 9 and 10 Merewether High group took out the comp. They beat long-term rivals Kotara High. They also beat Glendale High, Newcastle High, Callaghan College, St Pius X and the juniors from Merewether High.
In the past two years, only Kotara High and Merewether High have won the comp. We’re watching to see if some of the other schools can find the motivation to win next term.
“We run the comp to provide the kids with a bit of friendly competition and motivate them to try climbs that they may otherwise not attempt’, says climbing instructor Louise Shearston. “Over a term of school sport, we get to know the kids a bit and help them push their limits and gain confidence and skills. It’s great to see them improve.
The comp provides the schools with a list of “target climbs” each week. When a student successfully climbs one, they get points; the harder the climb, the more points they get. The school’s point score is calculated each week and divided by the number of kids in the group. The school then receives this averaged score. At the end of the term, the school with the highest cumulative point score wins.